061: WHY? - Jump

061: WHY? - Jump

For nearly three decades now Yoni Wolf has been crafting songs and records from the deepest part of his idiosyncratic mind, twisting words and pictures into colourful knots and releasing them in the form of a question. The Well I Fell Into, the eighth full-length WHY? LP, will be released on August 2nd and it seems set to extend the project's universe into darker, and uniquely intriguing corners.

Collaboration has been a key part of Wolf's continued resolve, and on the forthcoming record he leans into that even further, recruiting the likes of Gia Margaret, Finom’s Macie Stewart, Lala Lala’s Lillie West, Serengeti, and Ada Lea to lend their skills to his lastest connection.

Where those collective voices played a prominent role on previous single 'G-dzilla G'dolah', latest track 'Jump' feels like a solitary crawl through the darker recesses of Yoni's mind. "Alone every night, I don't feel right. I can't decide what to do," he sings in a grizzled baritone. "I try to describe what I'm feeling inside, but my pen goes dry. I'm calling it off."

Though the track feels held between a cry for help and a bare-faced expression of depression, it nevertheless stands up as one of the best thing WHY? have released in a long time, a new shade of grey, a scrappy stumble down new streets. Sitting somewhere between the dream and nightmare he sings of in the song's repeated chorus, it's a dark but invigorating listen - and we hope there was some catharsis in both the creation and the act of sharing.

I need a fucking jump, man.

Check out the track's excellent accompanying video below / pre-order the album via the official store here.

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