047: Nicole Miglis - Autograph

047: Nicole Miglis - Autograph

As the founding-force in the excellent Hundred Waters, Nicole Miglis released three beautiful full-length albums, each one a hypnotic blend of ambient and pop that was warmly received and saw the band support the likes of Interpol and Alt-J among many other familiar admirers.

Just last week, the band released a four-song EP featuring a collection of demos from their The Moon Rang Like a Bell LP, to celebrate 10 years of that record's release. From from that gentle reveal - the first Hundred Waters release in six years - Miglis has now announced a new solo record, Myopia, that will see the light of day at the end of the Summer.

Similarly spiralling and colourful, the two songs unveiled from the album, which offer a fascinating glimpse into its greater landscape, are reminiscent of Miglis previous work while crafting something uniquely captivating in its own form. Alongside the albums opening track 'All I See Is You', it's the somewhat sharper form of 'Autograph' that immediately resonates.

Indicative of those previous sentiments, the song offers a kaleidoscopic backdrop of experimental sounds and more focused melodic hooks, both of which allows Miglis' sensual voice to journey forward, an absorbing focal point with just the right balance between bright fortitude and lingering sadness.

Where are your shoes
I remember when all the floors were bare
Before the paving
Before all the neighborhood cared

And now I sit across from you
But all we do is talk and chew

Exploring "the complex intersections of desire, melancholy, and identity", the full record is out August 23rd via Sargent House. Check it out below.

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