124: Kristin Daelyn - Patience Comes to the Bones

“Patience comes to the bones before it takes root in the heart," Mary Oliver writes in her poem Patience: A poem for late summer. And it was those words that stirred something deep within Kristin Daelyn, deep enough to not only be reshaped into a new song, but to also give it its title.
Many days and a few seasons on from that quiet revelation, said song is now the first to be shared from Kristin Daelyn's forthcoming new album, to be released via the ever-reliable, ever-fruitful Orindal Records.
A gorgeous folk ballad, Patience Comes to the Bones is all the more enchanting for the spaces it leaves, the soft expanse between words. Gently joined by strings, that ache quietly in the background, Daelyn sings with a thoughtful purpose, like all the power lies in the discovery, in the knowing.
The album arrives at late February, and such is the brooding nature of this introduction, you get the feeling it'll be a collection of songs, of tender sentiments, that will take a while to bloom, ready to come alive in the late summer, right on the precipice of the first frost.
Kristin Daelyn on “Patience Comes to the Bones”:
At the time I wrote this song, I had recently come across a line in Mary Oliver’s poem “Patience”: “Patience comes to the bones before it takes root in the heart.” The words pulsed through me, circulating like a mantra. I didn’t understand why they resonated so deeply, but I knew I had to carry them and let their meaning be revealed over time.
I was living in a small cabin tucked away in the woods on a Pennsylvania hillside, turning to music for comfort. I wrote the way I always do— letting lyrics flow instinctively without much thought, allowing sounds to mumble atop the melody until words and phrases revealed themselves. The process feels more like sculpting than writing, like I’m uncovering something hidden.
When the words finally emerged, I realized what this song was teaching me. It was a lesson in letting go— not as surrender, but as a radical act of love, trust, and a willingness to meet myself with softness. As someone who has always used persistence to shape the life I wanted, I was being asked to instead be compassionate and present with what was before me. Sometimes, letting go is the most loving, skilful choice we can make. And things take the time they take.
This song marked the beginning of that lesson, one that continues to ripple through my life as a practice towards both myself and others. It’s also an expression of gratitude for life’s inevitable impermanence— for every sunrise through my window, for every soft blue sky after dusk, for every longing, grief, and joy.
The unveiling of 'Patience Comes to the Bones' arrives via a special live performance, which you can see below. You can listen to the studio version, and pre-order the Beyond The Break LP, over on Bandcamp here.
three / six / five is a daily music-sharing project from gold flake paint; read more about the idea here
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