085: Jennifer Castle - Lucky #8

085: Jennifer Castle - Lucky #8

For all of the sprawling cast of characters that helped bring 'Lucky #8' to life, it's testament to Jennifer Castle's voice and presence that renders such details to a mere footnote; an interesting aside to the sheer excellence she exudes throughout the song's gorgeous five-minutes.

A brand new song from a brand new album - Camelot, which is set to be released via the excellent Paradise of Bachelors label later this year - 'Lucky #8' is sumptuously romantic and delivered with a fuzzy, sepia warmth of heartfelt nostalgia.

Described as a country-soul ballad, and making good on both of those pillars, the track feels almost effortlessly glowing, the kind of radiance that pours in from an open window, welcome and uninvited all the same. Castle says that 'Lucky #8' “sort of has that energetic vibe to it, where it attempts a stunt lyrically (in my mind) to absorb all the possibilities of life into one moment and to be okay with that complexity, instead of fracturing off into myriad neurotic narratives.” 

Wholesome, indeed. And as for that celebrated footnote, the new track is...

Performed by Carl Didur on piano, Mike Smith on bass, Evan Cartwright on drums, Jennifer Castle on acoustic guitar and vocals, Victoria Cheong and Isla Craig on background vocals, Paul Mortimer on guitars, Jeff McMurrich on electric guitar, ace tone organ, and mellotron, and special guest Cass McCombs on acoustic 12-string guitar, electric guitar, and electric slide guitar. Strings arranged by Owen Pallett and performed by FAMES Skopje Studio Orchestra, conducted by Sasho Tatarchevski.

Camelot LP is released November 1, via Paradise of Bachelors and Solstice Radio

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