063: Imogen and the Knife - Paris Night

063: Imogen and the Knife - Paris Night

I'd been meaning to check out the new EP from London's Imogen and the Knife since seeing a flurry of excitement around the release of its first single earlier this year. The EP finally dropped last week and it makes good on such buzz, a beautifully textured, often romantic blend of sounds and sentiments.

Titled Some Kind Of Love, each track on the EP is a document of love in one of its many complicated and dizzying forms. Immediately striking, 'Paris Night' is perhaps the stand-out moment, the kind of song that seems to stop the day in its tracks, the intimacy of the hushed intro fixing you in place, like being caught between breaths.

A gentle piano ballad, the subtlety of the production makes the perfect backdrop for Imogen's stunning voice, before strings drift in, at once both pretty but also somewhat enigmatic, the notes bending in ways that don't quite fit the mood, that lend the track a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere; an unexpectedly bright moon above a damp city street.

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three / six / five is a daily music-sharing project from gold flake paint; read more about the idea here

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