060: Great Grandpa - Kid

060: Great Grandpa - Kid

Though there was an excellent solo album from Al Menne last year, it's been almost a full five years since we last heard from Great Grandpa, so long in fact that we'd just about given into believing that we'd maybe never hear from them again.

From that diminishing pin-hole of light, however, comes the radiant news that not only have the band signed to the excellent Run For Cover label, they've also released a brand new single, their first music since 2019.

One of the great guitar bands of recent times, such raucousness it twisted into new and compelling shapes on 'Kid' - a five-minute splash of muted tones and long-reaching shadows. Menne's voice is as intoxicating as ever, and it scales new terrain here amid a dramatic, almost theatrical backdrop of piano, strings, and shifting temperatures.

A fragile telling of a difficult and personal unravelling, the song finds its great beating heart in the middle section, group vocals swelling together arm in arm in an act of powerful resilience. A weighty and unexpected return, it's both a reminder of where Great Grandpa came from and a tantalising glimpse into what could lie ahead.

All together now...

Oh what could be lost
If nothing can stay
It slips away like everything made

Oh what could be lost
If nothing can stay
It slips away like everything made


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three / six / five is a daily music-sharing project from gold flake paint; read more about the idea here

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