130: Cameron Winter - Cancer Of The Skull

You're going to have forgive me for not putting the work in here, but I've been meaning to carve out some time to listen to Cameron Winter's new record. Today I finally did just that and I can't remember the last time a voice just froze me in place like Winter's did, or a song pierced through the foggy malaise like did.
So I'm sharing here, with little further context - because I haven't had the time to peel back the layers yet. Maybe he's huge. Maybe you all know this record already, and I'm just late to the game.
Either way, I suggest also carving out some time for him and it, while also noting that this is weird, misshapen, dizzying music that might well raise an eyebrow but it'll also raise your heartbeat - and what a magical thing that is.
The whole album came out in December and you can find it over on Bandcamp.
three / six / five is a daily music-sharing project from gold flake paint; read more about the idea here
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