097: Anne Malin - Stories

097: Anne Malin - Stories

Strange Power! is the latest release from the exquisite Dear Life Records, exclamation mark and all. The fifth record from songwriter and poet Anne Malin Ringwald, the forthcoming album is released in conjunction with her second book of poetry, What Floods.

The album itself weaves a vivid musical tapestry, complete with violins, vibraphones, drum machines, electric guitars, and even wind-blown shells. Latest single, and the album's closing track, is called 'Stories' and it takes on a plainer but no less engrossing form than those aforementioned details might suggest, Malin's voice a thing of odd and oddly magnetic (strange) power.

So many selves I left behind
So many myths I thought were true
Do you know you couldn’t see it, but the stories held it for you?

Where was I? Where was I going?
I heard warnings I thought were jokes
Who are you, where are you going without knowing where you’ve been?

Silent night, deathly winter, something vast is clearing form
Cryptic moon, guiding dreamlight, little girl no one believed

Like a rasping storm tapping at the windows in the dead of night, Malin fills the song with a sense of dark foreboding - but it remains, at its core, a riveting and absorbing piece of guitar-pop.

'Strange Power!' is released 25th October via Dear Life Records, listen to 'Stories' and the album's first single 'River' via Bandcamp below.

Listen on GFP / Bandcamp


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