092: Allegra Krieger - Where You Want to Go

092: Allegra Krieger - Where You Want to Go

I've spent the last few days traveling alone. From Glasgow to Lake Como, via a brief couple of hours in Milan and a night in Bologna. Music tends to take on its own kind of unique shape when its your only form of company over an extended period. Leaning into its role as companion, it finds unique ways to fit into these transitory spaces, projecting a voice that might never sound the same way again once its job is performed and you find yourself back home.

One such record that's worked its magic over the past few days is Art of the Unseen Infinity Machine by Allegra Krieger, the hypnotic follow-up to last year's pair of releases: I Keep My Feet on the Fragile Plane and its buddying B-Side collection - also released via the always-excellent Double Double Whammy label.

The new collection, released a week last Friday, is equally alluring as those records, furthering Krieger's reputation as a singularly engrossing songwriter who's previously been likened to Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, and David Berman. Which isn't bad company to be in.

The new songs here are fleshed out, with moments of noise, jazzy extravagance and heightened tension that feel less like a reinvention and more like a zoomed in rendering, an enlarging that reveals colours that were always there but only now reveal themselves.

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