New Feature! A Day In The Life: Gracie Gray

New Feature! A Day In The Life: Gracie Gray

Welcome to a brand new feature on GFP! It's called A Day In The Life and we'll hopefully give you some new music to check out as well as a little glimpse into the hearts and minds of some of our favourite artists.

Really hope you enjoy reading...


In our 13th post of 3/6/5 we shared Gracie Gray's beautiful track 'Burden', which was tied to the news that the LA songwriter would release her brand new album, Magnet, at the end of July:

Immediately compelling, the new song simmers with a dull ache, a profound desire to put things right in a world that's getting away from you. Gray's voice remains a thing of subtle wonder, winding itself around a layered instrumental that sets the perfect backdrop for such emotive sentiments.

Since then, Gray released another taste of the forthcoming LP with the equally compelling 'Envy', a song she wrote, produced, engineered and mixed herself as well as playing both guitar and synth on the track.

For a new feature, Gracie guides us through a musical day of her own, revealing some of the inspiration that sits behind her absorbing song-writing.

Check it out below...

What's the first song or album you reach for in the quiet of the morning...

'1/1' by Brian Eno, from the album Ambient 1: Music for Airports. This song feels so right first thing in the morning, so I'm trying to think of why exactly that is. My only guess is that because my dream world is so real to me, when I wake up I feel like I'm slowly leaving one place for another. Like I just got off the freeway, or off a plane, seeing the new sky and realizing where I am now. Since this album feels like being in transit, I think it makes a lot of sense.

What's the one song you play to wake you up and embrace the day ahead...

Lately I've been driving through the Catskill mountains to my coffee shop job and listening to 'I'm All Fucked Up' by This Is Lorelei. This song just feels like rushing around to work or wherever you have to go, and makes whatever is going on feel like a funny story, even if it isn't. I love every aspect of this song, from the way it's recorded to the vocals going super low to the slide guitar. Just makes sense for where I drive around lately.

What's your favourite song or album to drive to/accompany you on a road trip...

Favorite song feels so tough, but... 'Thank You' by Dido is never a miss. For albums, probably Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell. It feels like an album that travels to all these different places on its own, so driving to it feels right. Songs like 'People's Parties' feel like something you'd experience in a dream, busy and meditative at the same time. She's a trip. Never getting over her music.

What's a song or album you're putting on just as the sun begins to go down...

'Push' by Fog Lake. This song feels like it should play while using one of those old view-master film photo reels, where you click a button and a new frame comes up. Also I can't imagine this song's photos being taken at any other time than sunset or twilight.

What's your favourite song or album to dance to when the dark of night has arrived...

Live Sesh and Xtra Songs EP by Louis Cole. There is nothing else I can think of when I'm alone and just need to dance. Louis Cole's music is perfect if you want to dance like you're being electrocuted, shaken and stirred, etc. It's perfect, it's weird. The whole orchestra part of the album can make it feel like you're in a movie. Maybe we are.

And finally, what's the last song you play in the late-night quiet, when the day is over...

Ichiko Aoba's
"gift" BGM. I usually put this on when I can't sleep, and feel kind of afraid. It's medicinal music for me, for sure. The birds in the background and the sound of the keys feel like you're in a gigantic green house, like a big rainforest bubble. It's one of my most listened to albums.

Magnet is released July 26th, via Hand In Hive

Pre-order here


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three / six / five is a daily music-sharing project from gold flake paint; read more about the idea here

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