A Day In The Life: Bloomsday

A Day In The Life: Bloomsday

Though I touched on it briefly back when we shared Bloomsday's 'Bumper Sticker' earlier in the 3/6/5 run, it's worth reiterating just how special this new record from Iris James Garrison is. Formed of ten tender folk songs, Heart of the Artichoke is so patient and warm that it doesn't just feel like stepping inside a different world for a time, rather stepping inside a movie, where whole stretches of time pass in one subtle blink of a real-world eye.

Wrapped up in gorgeous instrumental sways, or upfront and unadorned, Garrison's voice is a thing of quiet wonder, and it's no surprise to hear that the bones of this record come from a place of healing and endurance, because such bruises sit just under the surface of each and every moment here.

Stirred by the weight of past endeavours, but always viewing them from the here and now, Garrison has said that all of the songs on ...Artichoke are written about loved ones, while it's written foreword says that the album is "a prayer for the present, an appreciation of tenderness and what happens once we give ourselves the space to really see, and really feel."

It also describes the album as "the ghost of Mary Oliver poem" - and if that's true then perhaps it takes the form of 'Wild Geese':

You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.

With the album now fully in bloom, we asked Bloomsday's Iris to soundtrack their perfect day - and you can check it out below.

What's the first song or album you reach for in the quiet of the morning?

I was a barista for many years, which meant I was up at 5am every day for work. I started getting really into ambient music because it was the only thing my brain could handle at that hour. So serene and soothing. I fell completely in love with Mia Gargaret by Gia Margaret, and it was the only album I listened to on those opening shifts. My co-workers would complain it was making them fall back asleep but I was insistent. It started the day off just right.

What's the one song you play to wake you up and embrace the day ahead?

My friends, and one of my favourite bands, Babehoven, make music that invigorates me while simultaneously helps make space for my emotions. 'Birdseye' feels like a splash and makes me feel open and excited.

What's your favourite song or album to drive to/accompany you on a road trip?

Once I Was An Eagle by Laura Marling is one of the best albums to listen to in one sitting. She takes you on a journey and weaves you through her raw feelings. I love it for a drive because it’s a good time for full albums. I rarely listen to those songs individually.

What's a song or album that sounds best just as the sun begins to go down?

'Certainty' by Big Thief. The band feels like a setting sun over a perfect campground. This song feels like permission to hang out and relax, to let your shoulders come down and feel love for your surroundings.

What's your favourite song or album to dance to when the dark of night has arrived?

BRAT by Charli XCX is unreal. I’m completely obsessed. She gets extremely real with her insecurities and all the while is serving the best pop album of the year. When this comes on at the club I actually lose my mind.

And finally. what's the last song you play in the late-night quiet, when the day is over?

'Shove' by Mali Velasquez. I can’t wait to tour with this band in September. The song-writing and production is so visceral and makes me feel exposed, like I’m opening up to someone about my deepest secret.

Heart Of The Artichoke is out now, you can buy it here


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three / six / five is a daily music-sharing project from gold flake paint; read more about the idea here

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